Bach Bibliography
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Author : Schenkman, Walter
Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Schenkman, WalterRethinking Diabelli's Waltz in Relation to Beethoven's Variations. AdParnassum 4 8 Oct 2006 7-19
2. Schenkman, WalterNotes and Numbers in the Goldberg. AdParnassum 5 9 Apr 2007 41-70
3. Schenkman, WalterRhythmic Patterns of the Baroque -- Part I. Bach 5 3 Jul 1974 21-28
4. Schenkman, WalterRhythmic Patterns of the Baroque -- Part II. Bach 5 4 Oct 1974 9-17
5. Schenkman, WalterThe Establishment of Tempo in Bach's Goldberg Variations. Bach 6 3 Jul 1975 3-10
6. Schenkman, WalterThe Influence of Hexachordal Thinking in the Organization of Bach's Fugue Subjects. Bach 7 3 Jul 1976 7-16
7. Schenkman, WalterThree Collections of Keyboard Works by C. P. E. Bach -- Part I. Bach 8 4 Oct 1977 23-36
8. Schenkman, WalterThree Collections of Keyboard Works by C. P. E. Bach -- Part II. Bach 9 1 Jan 1978 2-14, 23-25
9. Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents, Part I. Bach 9 4 Oct 1978 2-10
10. Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents, Part II. Bach 10 1 Jan 1979 3-12
11. Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents, Part III. Bach 10 2 Apr 1979 2-8
12. Schenkman, WalterTheory and Practice: Mattheson's Differing Key Arrangements, Part I. Bach 12 3 Jul 1981 2-10
13. Schenkman, WalterTheory and Practice: Mattheson's Differing Key Arrangements, Part II. Bach 12 4 Oct 1981 3-9
14. Schenkman, WalterJohann Mattheson's Organisten-Probe: Erlaeuterungen, A Translation, Part I. Bach 12 4 Oct 1981 10-16
15. Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents. (1978-1979) Bach 25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 63-90
16. Schenkman, WalterBach and the Beer Fiddlers. Bach 26 1-2 1995 48-56
17. Schenkman, WalterTatlow's Bach and Bach's Signatures in the Goldberg Variations. Bach 34 2 2003 63-106
18. Schenkman, WalterNew Perspectives on Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier. Part 1. Clavier 33 3 Mar 1994 12-17
19. Schenkman, WalterNew Perspectives on Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, Part 2 Clavier 33 5 May-Jun 1994 17-20, 22-25
20. Schenkman, WalterThe Goldberg Mystery. Clavier 44 1 Jan 2005 12-14, 17-19
21. Schenkman, WalterJohann Mattheson. Keyboard 7 9 1981 26-32, 66
22. Schenkman, WalterMattheson's 'Forty-Eight' and their Commentaries. MReview 42 1 1981 9-21

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita